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Most people just aren't that good at multitasking. Trying to remain focused (and organized) is one of the most significant time wasters, especially in the life of a business professional. When you try to do too many things at the same time, you become a "Jack of all Trades, Master of None." Just when you're trying to get work done on that big project, another email comes in that you have to respond to. You hop over to your email client and suddenly the phone is ringing, or you realize that you have to proof a new design before it heads out the door. It's maddening.
Thankfully, there is a better way. By adopting the fine art of time-blocking, you may have just found the simple, yet effective technique you've been looking for to unlock a bold new era of productivity in both your personal and professional life.
At its core, time-blocking is the idea that you should segment your day into clearly defined (and strictly adhered to) blocks of productivity. Organize the tasks you need to complete by category and set aside a specific amount of time for those categories each day.
If you feel like you're spending an unfortunate amount of time responding to emails every day at the expense of everything else, set aside 9:00 am to 10:00 am every morning to just focus on emails. Devote every ounce of your attention to this one task and when it's over, move onto the next one. Outside of the occasional emergency, don't respond to emails for the rest of the day. Get it done, and then move on.
The beauty of time-blocking falls into two distinct categories. First, it's an incredibly effective way to eliminate distraction. Instead of trying to divide your attention between ten little tasks, it's almost like you're tackling just one big one (i.e. emails, and nothing more). Not only do you get those initial tasks done faster, but the ultimate quality of your output is also much higher because you're no longer trying to do too many things at once.
Next, time-blocking is also an excellent way to build up a strong sense of momentum that will carry you through the rest of your day. As you begin to move from block to block, you'll constantly be surprised by just how much you're getting done. This wave of productivity (not to mention the wave of euphoria) builds on itself, driving things home towards the finish line (and the end of the work day).
Another one of the keys to success regarding time-blocking is a little bit of forward thinking. This isn't something you can make up on the fly. You need to consider the types of tasks you need to do each day and what you have to get done by week's end. Look ahead a little bit and make a list of your top priorities. Then, separate those into categories and get down to business.
Remember, it's important to be honest with yourself. Time-blocking won't suddenly create an extra hour in your day, but it will help you make better use of the hours you already have. If you try to add too many things to your list to the point where it becomes unrealistic, you'll end up working against your goal and not towards it. You'll quickly begin to feel overwhelmed, which is something that you do not want.
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