Questions to Ask When Targeting Customers with Direct Mail
When it comes to direct mail, it might seem easy to spray flyers throughout an area and hope something sticks, but careful planning actually results in a much higher rate of success - from the average response rate of 5% to as high as 16% for personalized mail. To simplify your direct mail targeting, start with these questions:
1. Who is the audience? One of the benefits of direct mail is that you can use it to reach only people who are potential buyers for your product/service through targeted marketing. Look at the demographics of your average customer - age, income, geographical location, etc. - and use that to determine your "perfect" customer for targeting.
2. Who will receive, read, and hopefully respond to this mailing? Compile a list not only of potential new customers but current customers and qualified leads you already know are receptive users of your product or service and would be likely to use your services again.
3. What is the most affordable way to reach your list? Careful planning and compiling of a list may give you good insight into what type of mailing is right for you. Is your list small, full of previous clients? Individual, personalized mail may be all you need. Or is your list broad and include a large geographical area or demographic? EDDM (Every Day Direct Mail) may be right for you because it can cover a wide area.
Most expert agree that selecting the right mailing list is the most important factor in a mailing’s success. If you're not sure where to start, we can help! Contact us today.