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Why Establishing Your Brand as an Authority is a Top Goal

With every marketing campaign you launch there are basically two things you are trying to accomplish. The first one is pretty clear off the bat: you want…


Using Continuity to Strengthen Your Brand Efforts

A cool logo and a catchy name are not what make a brand. What makes a brand is the feeling which people get every time they come into any contact with…


Print Marketing is About Selling Value, Not Services

There’s a common misconception among many marketers that needs to be put to bed once and for all. A lot of marketers still believe that if you are going…


Post-Show Follow-up Techniques You Will Want to "Borrow"

Trade shows can be the best! You get to meet your customers face to face, spy on what the competition are doing, and get sneak peek of where the industry…


Is Your Advertising Taking You Up or Down?

Marketing and advertising can run up the bills quickly. At the same time, they bring in more customers, brand attention, and thus money. So where do you…


Here's Why Visual Communication Works

One thing that the internet and its soft copies can’t beat is the tangible feel of that hard copies have. Readers could look at your flyer, turn it over,…


Everyone is Looking to Save a Dollar... How to Use Discounts to Grow Sales

Looking to generate revenue and improve brand power? Offer a discount! Discounts are a great way to increase sales and place you one step ahead of the…


Customer Service in Action: A Personal Touch

Customer service is never more vitally important than it is when something goes amiss. Depending on the way your business handles the problem, you could…


Connecting Your Online and Offline Marketing Campaigns

Connecting your online and offline marketing initiatives is imperative for your business, no matter the industry you happen to be in. Many business people…


Millennials Hate your Marketing -- Here's Why (and what you can do about it)

You've done it!  You researched the young adult market, identified their buying power, and now that "just for millennials" campaign has launched and you're…

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