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Questions to Ask When Targeting Customers with Direct Mail

When it comes to direct mail, it might seem easy to spray flyers throughout an area and hope something sticks, but careful planning actually results in…


Beyond Pricing: Using Stories to Sell

When it comes to marketing, it's easy to assume pricing is an insignificant part of your messaging, that it's just the "money making" part of your business,…


Social Distancing Business Ideas - Post Six

We've been discussing questions about continuing to provide valuable and vital services to clients during these unusual and demanding times. Today, we…


Social Distancing Business Ideas - Post Five

This week we've been tackling questions about what we as business owners can do to support our ourselves and our customers during this unusual time. We'll…


Social Distancing Business Ideas - Post Four

This week we've been discussing the state of the business world, and the questions that come along with the many changes and challenges we're all facing.…


Social Distancing Business Ideas - Post Three

Today we'll be continuing our discussion of the questions brought up in my initial post. As always, I endeavor to answer these questions as thoughtfully…


Social Distancing Business Ideas - Post Two

Yesterday, we got started asking ourselves some important questions about moving forward in the uncertain and unexpected world we find ourselves in. Today,…


Social Distancing Business Ideas - Post One

The business world can feel uncertain right now. In fact, the whole world can feel uncertain right now. There's a lot of confusion and a lot of unknowns…

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Making Sense of File Formats (Part 1)

Digital files come in many formats, identified by the suffix or extension after their file name (i.e. “image.jpg”) and each one has a unique purpose or…


Letters or Postcards: A Great Direct Mail Debate

There are many decisions to be made when designing your direct mail marketing campaign (why use direct mail marketing? Check out these statistics to find…

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