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4 Business Card Essentials

Even now, in a seemingly digital age, business cards are a necessary marketing and networking tool. Business cards provide an easy way to communication the most important information about you and your business quickly. But business cards are small – just 3.5x2” – so space is at a premium. What should you include on your business card? Here is our list of essentials:

4 Business Card Essentials

1. Contact information for you and your business
The key information anyone is looking for on your business card is how to get in touch with you. This includes your name, your business name, your email address, phone number and website. Providing all this information – including phone number even if your preferred method of contact is email – opens up the most opportunity for communication and connection. You can’t always know the preferred communication method of every person you hand a card to, but you can provide all the information anyone would need to reach out.

2. Your logo
Your logo should be one of the most easily identifiable aspects of your brand and should be included on all your marketing materials, including and especially your business card. It should be large enough to be clearly identifiable when someone is searching through a stack of cards looking for yours.

3. Social media profiles
If your business has a large social media presence, promote it on your business card! Social media is another great way people can get in touch with you as well as get a sense of your brand identity and products and services.

4. Negative space
As mentioned above, your business card is only 3.5x2”. That’s not a lot of space, so be careful not to crowd it and overwhelm your viewer. White space can be just as critical as any other design element. Keep your design and information simple and to the point so anyone can quickly and easily identify the information they need to keep in touch with you.

Short on space on your business card? Consider using a QR code to quickly link to your website, product catalog, or menu. QR codes are scalable, easy to use, and a great way to provide additional information.


Let us help you get the most out of business cards! Contact us to get started today.

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